At Acora we service the timber and manufacturing industries with our excellent team and dedication to providing innovative solutions. Acora partner with a number of the world’s leading sawmill equipment manufacturers including Carbotech, Gilbert, Prinz, DO2 and Ultimizers. Acora have been in business for 55 years of developing and delivering quality engineering design, fabrication and delivery of sawmill equipment to the forestry industry. We bring know-how to every new client or project to ensure the best possible solution is offered for our customers. In addition, we have consistently expanded our operation to include world class design, project management and manufacturing. Our focus is on solutions, not selling a range of equipment, we prefer to analyse a client’s problems or requirements and then recommend a specific solution.

Design & Engineering
3D solid modelling of all our designs – we start with the customer needs, pass this through our review team to come up with suggested layouts you can review in 3D with the most effective utilisation of your resources.

Our shop utilises 3D models for fabrication and ERP control of the work flow with daily reviews of progress, fit for purpose design and quality step x step review. Utilising cad files to feed our CNC and robotic facilities. All equipment is fully assembled and tested where feasible and final QC and completeness test are carried out and recorded.

A full installation gant plan with safety and work method statements are completed for each job prior to our people arriving on site – On installation daily tool box meeting are held and recorded to chart the safety and progress of the job. Site QC checks are completed prior to dry commissioning, this includes site clean-up.

We run several CNC machining centres and our machine shop carries out the same ERP and QC process as the fabrication shop.

Spare parts & Service
Our 3D solid modelling allows for all parts traceability and review through 3D images of all our products. Unique part number system allows quick identification of parts, whether proprietary or OEM parts.

Our ERP system links directly with our 3D solid modelling design, eliminating the possibility of transposing errors. This gives full chain of custody tracking for parts, so any completed component can be traced back through the manufacturing process to the OEM raw material supplier, for example steel test certificates.
Projects Completed
Years of Experience
We work with the best in the sawmill industry
Recognised as offering unparalleled level of engineering professionalism for economical solutions. Acora are aligned with the best overseas manufacturers to offer the latest and most innovative equipment and processes. We have proven detailed industry knowledge. Acora are the distributors for the world’s most renowned suppliers of sawmilling equipment. These include Carbotech, DO2, Gilbert and Prinz. These companies are recognised worldwide as being suppliers of the highest quality equipment in their industry. We always analyse what the customer’s needs are and bring together the best combination of equipment to suit the task.
Acora’s blue chip clients include: AKD Softwoods Pty Ltd, One Forty One (OFO), Allied Timber Products, Boral Timber, Carter, Holt Harvey Wood Products Aus & NZ, Dindas Australia, Highland Pine Products Pty Ltd, Hyne and Son Pty Ltd, Timberlink Australia, Pan Pac NZ, Red Stag, Timber NZ. We are honoured to have been involved in almost every sawmill upgrade in Australia. This regular contact with leading sawmills has given Acora a beneficially unique position in which to observe the whole industry. Acora is extremely proud of being able to offer their customers a complete turnkey package and we look forward to continuing to provide them with the latest in sawmill technology.

Contact Us
To discuss your enquiry, project, service, or support requirements, please get in touch with one
of our amazing teams.